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Special Educational Needs and Disability 

At St Nicholas School, we are passionate about making sure that we provide all children with the best education possible. We are proud to be able to offer a rich and inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated and embraced and where all children are encouraged to "Explore possibilities together".

St Nicholas has a SENCO and specialist SEND teacher called Mrs Sarah Salisbury.  We also have a designated governor for SEND, called Lynne Crighton.

Please click below to view our SEND documents:

Dorset Local Offer

For more information and county wide guidelines and advice, please see the Dorset Local Offer on the following link:

SEN Code of Practice

The school follows the guidance contained in the SEN Code of Practice 0 – 25 years – July 2014.  Click Here to the link to read more:

Dorset Parent Carer Council

The new SEND Code of Practice provides a much stronger emphasis on placing children and families at the heart of processes and on involving them in planning and decision-making.  The Dorset Parent Carer Council is run by parents for parents and for their families and work to provide a strong and united voice for the families of children who are disabled/have SEN.  For further information about the DPCC and how they can support agencies regarding the changes, visit the website, by clicking here.


Description of service offered:
Special Educational Needs and/or Disability, Information, Advice and Support Service for parents/carers and children/young people aged 0-25 living in Dorset with SEND. Please to visit the SENDIASS website please click here.

Contact Mrs Salisbury at for further information.