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Welcome to Chestnut’s Class Page

Welcome to Chestnuts Class Webpage! 

We are a mixed age Year 1 and 2 class. Our teachers is Ms Pape.   Our teaching assistant is Mrs Burton. 

This term our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays. Up until the October half term we will be enjoying forest school sessions every Thursday in which the children will learn lots of new fun and exciting skills outdoors, whatever the weather! Please make sure your child comes to school suitably dressed for this each Thursday with a pair of wellies (in a separate bag – they may get very muddy!) and a waterproof coat.  

Home learning books will be sent out every Friday containing new weekly challenges. Please make sure home learning books are returned to the yellow box under the interactive whiteboard in the classroom by Wednesday each week.  

Reading books will be changed every Friday so please make sure children have all reading books and reading records in school every Friday.  

Each child will have the opportunity to visit our school library on a Monday afternoon each week and will be able to choose a book to share with you at home. This is not a reading book that children are expected to read to you, rather a book for you to read to them to share the love and enjoyment of reading. Please make sure your child’s library book is brought back into school every Monday so that they can choose a new one each week to bring home.  

If you have any questions regarding your child's learning with us, please do not hesitate to come and chat to one of the Chestnut team.